Well hello! If there’s spelling mistakes in this post it’s due to the fact that we didn’t hit the sack til gone 2am this morning as I sang at a brill joint 40th party at The Pantiles in Tunbridge Wells last night! But that’s July and I have to talk about June….well June was peaceful, which was just as well as we had the builders in at home building an extension for us so it was a bit chaotic, gig clothes strewn all over the joint – aaaaaagh!!
June went down well, the hotel in Eastbourne was busy and I had the old people getting down to a few new ones: We’ll Meet Again by Vera Lynn, Love and Marriage by Sinatra and Moon River by Audrey Hepburn, all lovely songs to sing and I dig how the old folk just love to be entertained and hardly speak when I’m singing, they just sit and listen!
I did start learning I Predict A Riot by The Kieser Chiefs which is gonna rock BIGTIME!
The Royal British Legion in Polegate on June 13th was great, although we didn’t win the raffle this time! A really good response from people and I do love their little stage! They always sing Sweet Caroline when I’ve finished, apparently it’s what they do after every act on a Saturday night! Delilah went down well (they love a singalong!)
Where was everyone on the 27th at The Beau Nash?! It was actually the quietest I’ve ever known it there but the people who were there really enjoyed me and we made eachother very happy! And the bar staff are always gems going round with the jug for me – pays for the babysitter!
Next month (or rather this month) will bring a holiday to Morocco (can’t wait!) and my birthday when I’ll be gigging at The Rusthall Club (with plenty of brandy to celebrate with!) so come down and celebrate with me and my brandy if you like, it’s a nice big Club.
Ciao for now!